Transforming education and care together
The Ohio State Office of Interprofessional Practice and Education provides leadership, resources, and strategies to guide the University, Wexner Medical Center, and other college and community partners in interprofessional education and collaborative care.

The Ohio State Office of Interprofessional Practice and Education
Our Goals
We aim to create learning environments that prepare students for the future of team care—and educate the world's most diverse and sought-after health professionals. Our goals include:
- Establish interprofessional practice and education as a uniting force across the Ohio State University colleges and Wexner Medical Center.
- Implement standardized programs and practices that prepare learners for effective teamwork, shared learning, and collaborative practice.
- Demonstrate the impact of interprofessional education and practice in the academic and clinical landscape through defined measures of success.
- Improve health and health care outcomes through interprofessional practice and education.
As we progress, we aim to exemplify and influence best practices that simultaneously inform and transform education and care—while addressing the most pressing healthcare needs facing our communities, ultimately to improve health equity for everyone.

“We can converge across disciplines, colleges and industries around the most pressing and most interesting problems; become a force for equity, justice and the American Dream to educate young leaders more than ready to take over for us in building a better world … in service to the common good.”
Kristina Johnson, President, The Ohio State University, The State of University Address