IPE Research and Projects
IPE Research and Projects
The Ohio State University is at the forefront of research and scholarship related to interprofessional practice and education. Faculty, staff, and students from across campus actively collaborate to generate studies, programs, publications, and presentations that continue to shape our understanding of this dynamic field.

Select Active Funded Projects
Explore current grant-funded projects concerning interprofessional care.
Opioid Prevention and Education
Led by the College of Pharmacy, a team of over 30 academic experts from multiple health science programs across Ohio have developed an interprofessional opioid prevention and education course to teach health care students about substance use disorders (SUD). Learn more here.
- This project is funded by the Ohio State Office of Outreach and Engagement.
- Award: $22,000
- Principle Investigator: Kelsey Schmuhl, Pharm D
Interprofessional Community Scholars
Teams of health science students work together in interprofessional teams in the community to improve digital health literacy and fill gaps in care and services.
- This program is funded by: Care Innovation and Community Improvement Program (CICIP).
- Award: $1,122,985
- Principle Investigator: Andrea Pfeifle, EdD PT FNAP
Medicaid Equity Simulation Project
Virtual simulation experiences for an interdisciplinary audience of healthcare providers to improve
care for Medicaid enrollees. Learn more here.
- Funded by: Ohio Medicaid Technical Assistance and Policy Program (MEDTAPP)
- Award: $4,011,714
- Principal Investigator: Sheryl Pfeil, MD
CARESTREAM: A Complex System Intervention to Address ED Utilization, Immobility Harm, and Post-hospitalization Complications
Provides upstream, proactive solutions to “wrap our arms around” patients who are highly vulnerable for the 3Fs and immobility harm while receiving care in acute settings within the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and beyond as they return to the community.
- Funded by: Care Innovation and Community Improvement Program (CICIP)
- Award: $383,680
- Principal Investigators: Catherine Quatman-Yates, PT, DPT, PhD; Carmen Quatman, MD, PhD
Leveraging the IPEC Competency Framework to Transform Health Professions Education
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) worked with an expert panel to develop a structured assessment tool. This tool has been published here. It will be used by health professions education institutions to evaluate the sustainability of IPE programming.
- Funded by: The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation
- Award: $30,481
- Principal Investigators: Kelly R. Ragucci, PharmD (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy), FCCP, BCPS and Joseph A. Zorek, PharmD, BCGP (UT Health, San Antonio)
Antiracism Curriculum to Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Healthcare Education
The multi-institutional project brings 13 institutions together, including Ohio State, to develop online educational modules and share online curricular resources on anti-racism. To learn more about Ohio State’s role in the project, please contact Cynthia Dougherty.
- Funded by: The Josiah Macy, Jr Foundation
- Award: $300,000
- Principal Co-Investigators: Leon McCrea II, MD, MPH, and Dennis Novack, MD
Health Equity Scholars Projects
Across the university, interprofessional teams of students and faculty mentors are working together to improve health equity.
2022-23 Projects
(U – Undergraduate | G – Graduate/Professional)
Hidden in Plain Sight: Educating Nurses and Physicians on Sex Trafficking Signs in Diverse Patient Populations
Isaiah Boateng (U), Biomedical Science major in the College of Medicine
Diana Appiagyei (U), Microbiology major in the College of Arts and Sciences
Faculty mentor:
Jacquelyn Meshelemiah, PhD, College of Social Work
Historical Structural Racism, Neighborhood Disinvestment and Psychological Distress Among Central Ohio Residents
Diewo Camara (U), Public Health Sociology major in the College of Public Health
Xueting Xia (G), Statistics major in the College of Arts and Sciences
Faculty Mentor:
Jesse J. Plascak, PhD, College of Medicine
CONTEXT: Promoting an Intersectional View Using a Dashboard to Support Provider Engagement with Patient Social Determinants of Health and Perceived Biases
Emmanuel Long (U), Medical Anthropology major in the College of Arts and Sciences
Leslie Aguilar Ramos (U), Public Health Sociology major in the College of Public Health
Faculty Mentor:
Naleef Fareed, PhD, MBA, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Experiences of Transgender, Nonbinary and Gender-Expansive (TGE) Individuals with Elevated Breast/Chest Cancer Risk
Kaleb Masterson (G), Epidemiology major in the College of Public Health
Sanjana Duvvuri (U), Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience major in the College of Arts and Sciences
Faculty Mentor:
Tasleem Padamsee, PhD, College of Public Health
From Awareness to Action: Self-Advocacy Education to Address Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Obstetric Healthcare
Hayat Mekonen (U), Environmental Public Health major in the College of Public Health
Deborah Fadoju (G), Doctor of Medicine major in the College of Medicine
Faculty Mentor:
Kamilah Dixon, MD, MA, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Increasing Veterinary Health Literacy for Improved Health Equity in Pets
Ariana Parquette (U), Environmental Specialization major in the College of Public Health
Jeremiah Cox (G), Veterinary Public Health major in the College of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty Mentor:
Rebecca Garabed, VMD, MPVM, PhD, College of Veterinary Medicine
2021-22 Projects
(U – Undergraduate | G – Graduate/Professional)
Initiation and Maintenance of a Community Fridge to Address Health Disparities Resulting from Food Insecurity
Courtney Jewell (G), Speech and Hearing Science
Jevin Litwiler (U), Health Sciences
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Claire Bollinger, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Develop a Training Program to Equip Providers Caring for Underrepresented OB/GYN Patients
Abigail Berk (U), Biomedical Science
Alexandria Pickett (G), Medicine
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Megan Gregory, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Develop a Community-based Wellness Program Working with Partnering in Negating Statistics (P.I.N.S.) for Black Women as part of a research project
Sarah Addison (G) from Medicine
Faith Metlock (U) from Nursing
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Timiya Nolan, College of Nursing
Create Animations to Educate the Public about the Importance of Vision and Eye Health
Araba Otoo (G) from Optometry
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Dean VanNasdale, College of Optometry
Address Food Insecurity by Teaching Youth About Healthy Eating in an Artistic Way
Chikamnele Nkwocha (U) from Biomedical Engineering (pending admission) and Studio Art (double major)
Nyah Conway (U) from Medical Anthropology and Spanish (double major)
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Christopher Ratcliff, College of Engineering
If you are interested in telling us about your work or learning more about opportunities to collaborate in interprofessional practice and education, please contact us at ipe@osu.edu.
Presentations, Publications, and Other Research
Ballard, J. B., Anwar, A., Duwve, J., Newhouse, R., Pfeifle, A., & Nat, J. (2019, June 18–19). Grassroots initiatives: responding to addictions crisis [Conference presentation]. 22nd Indiana Rural Health Association Conference — From Silos to Collective Impact: Embracing a Culture of Health, French Lick, IN, United States.
Bishop, K. L., Maxwell, B., Abbruzzese, L., Simon, P., Adeniran, R. K., Oluwole-Sangoseni, O., Kennedy, V. K., Jensen, G., Pfeifle, A., Dunleavy, K., Smith, S., Schilling, D., Cochran, T., Thurston, L., & Frost, J. (2021, April). Advancing interprofessional education and collaborative practice & education: where does diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) fit into our current education model, professions, and National Academies of Practice? [Conference presentation]. National Academies of Practice Forum, Virtual.
Bridges, D.R., Gunaldo, T., Pfeifle, A., Jensen, G., Kirkbatrick, M., Nickol, D., Robertson, B., & Ander, D.S. (2021, September–October). Journal reviewer mini-bootcamp [Invited workshop]. Nexus Summit 2021, Virtual.
Dougherty, C., Pfeifle, A., Austing, E., & Shields, P. (2021, August). Interprofessional community scholars program. The Abundant Aging Conference, Columbus, OH, United States.
Fenton, J., Tapp, H., & Pfeifle, A. (2016-2019). Reviewer ratings of abstracts [Oral presentations]. North American Primary Care Research Group meetings. Link
Gray, S., Cohen Konrad, S., Macmillan, K., Pandey, J., & Pfeifle, A. (2022, September 13–14). Resilience revisited: moving the focus from individuals to systems, a conversation [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2022, Virtual.
Greer, A., Pfeifle, A., Shrader, S., Bennie, S., Hageman, H., Bennie, S., & Farrell, T.W. (2021, April 13–17). Covid-19: impacts on interprofessional education and proposed strategies for future advancement [Conference presentation]. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century, Virtual.
Jensen, G.M., Pfeifle, A., Blue, A., Lamb, G., & Dow, A. (2021, September–October). Applying master adaptive learning to interprofessional teams [Seminar]. Nexus Summit 2021, Virtual.
Khalili, H., Maxwell, B., Lising, D., El-Awaisi, A., Al-Hamdan, Z., Pfeifle, A., & Lackie, K.
Khalili, H., Maxwell, B., & Pfeifle, A. (2020, March 12–14). Interprofessional research at the global context [Conference presentation]. NAP Annual Meeting and Forum 2020, San Diego, CA, United States.
Mauldin, M., Johnston, K., Ohtake, P., & Pfeifle, A. (2020, August). How’s that IPE org chart working for you? Organizational models of interprofessional practice and education in the U.S. [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2020, Virtual.
(2020, October 24–27). Mixed method research methodology to evaluate IPEC. All Together Better HealthX 2020, Doha, Qatar.
Nahikian-Nelms, M. & Pfeifle, A. (2021, June 8–10). Paths towards interprofessional education at OSU [Invited presentation]. 2021 Interprofessional Leadership Development Program, Virtual.
Nickol, D., Billings, C., Arenson, C., Doll, J., Franklin, A. L., Frost, J., Hay, W., Pfeifle, A., Stobbe, B., & Zorek, J. (2021, July 29–30). National expert panel: envisioning the future of IPECP. 3rd Annual Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference, Virtual.
Nunez, L., Mauldin, M., Peifle, A., Breitbach, A., Nickol, D., Bridges, D., & Jensen, G. (2020, August). IP collaborative scholarship part I: fundamentals and a framework for collaborations [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2020, Virtual.
Nunez, L., Mauldin, M., Pfeifle, A., Breitbach, A., Nickol, D., Bridges, D., & Jensen, G. (2020, August). IP collaborative scholarship part II: looking for collaborators in all the right places [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2020, Virtual.
Ohtake, P., Bennie, S., Greer, A., Nickol, D., & Pfeife, A. (2021, September–October). Interprofessional practice and education programs in the U.S. — organizational structure and resources [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2021, Virtual.
Ohtake, P., Pfeifle, A., & Shrader, S. (2020, September 28). Organizational models of interprofessional practice and education in the United States: results from a national survey [Webinar]. National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. Link
Pfeifle, A., Bennie, S., Hageman, H., Farrell, T., Greer, A. (2021, March 8–10). Covid-19: organizational impacts on national IPE programs [Conference presentation]. Teaching Prevention 2021: Promoting Adaptability, Resiliency, and Sustainability, Virtual.
Pfeifle, A., Breitbach, A., Green, C., Lising, D., Khalili, H., Frost, J. S., MacMillan, K., & Lanlois, S. (2021, February). Storms and silver linings in IPE: a special collaboration with InterprofessionalResearch.Global. University of Toronto Community of Practice.
Pfeifle, A., Buchanan, A., Binion, K., Surber, M., & Willis, D. (2019, June 18–19). Grand challenge — comprehensive pain assessment clinic [Conference presentation]. 22nd Indiana Rural Health Association Conference — From Silos to Collective Impact: Embracing a Culture of Health, French Lick, IN, United States.
Pfeifle, A., Daulton, B., & Romito, L. (2021, March). Comparison of outcomes for online versus face-to-face teaching methodologies in foundational interprofessional education curricula [Conference presentation]. National Academies of Practice Forum, Washington, D.C, United States.
Pfeifle, A., Daulton, B., Romito, L., & Weber, Z. (2020, April 24). Taking it statewide: online IPE and assessment in a pandemic [Webinar]. Connecting at the Nexus: COVID-19 Edition, Virtual. Link
Pfeifle, A., Dougherty, C.V., Sieck, C.J., & Lotozo, A. (2021, September–October). Improving digital health literacy and health outcomes through the Interprofessional Community Scholars Program [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2021, Virtual.
Pfeifle, A., Dow, A., Blue, A., Jensen, G. M., & Lamb, G. (2020, August). Assuring graduates can collaborate: is it time to rewrite the health professions’ signature pedagogies? [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2020, Virtual.
Pfeifle, A. (2019, August 1–2). Flying it as you build it: lessons learned in interprofessional education and practice [Invited plenary address]. 2019 Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference, Omaha, NE, United States.
Pfeifle, A. (2020, July 23–24). Reimagining interprofessional education: considerations for sustainability and resiliency [Invited plenary address]. 2nd Annual Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference, Virtual.
Pfeifle, A., Frost, J., Khalili, H., West, K., & Crain, G. (2021, February). Connecting through interprofessional partnership to drive collaborative care [Webinar]. American Dental Education Association.
Pfeifle, A., Harvan, R., & Jensen, G. (2021, March 18–20). Overcoming success by “leading up” for sustainable organizational change to support IPE [Conference presentation]. NAP 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting & Forum, Virtual.
Pfeifle, A., Jensen, G. M., Wilson, M., & McPheron, B. (2021, September–October). “Leading up” — lessons learned from senior administration to enable sustainable organizational change to advance IPE [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2021, Virtual.
Pfeifle, A., Jessen, J., Jensen, G. M., Hechmer, C., & Reimschisel, T. (2022, August 20–23). Teams that work: modeling and teaching effective interprofessional collaboration [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2022, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Pfeifle, A., Nickol, D., Jensen, G. M., & Nunez, L. (2019, November 21–23). Interprofessional collaborative scholarship — translating ideas into action [Master class]. 2019 American Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL, United States.
Pfeifle, A., Valentino, A., Sergakis, G., Lotozo, A., & Koger, T. (2021, November 8). Innovative teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches driving curriculum development for interprofessional education [Professional development session]. The Ohio State University College of Medicine Faculty Advancement, Mentoring, & Engagement, Columbus, OH, United States.
Strano-Paul, L., Elliott, D., Pfeifle, A., & Wallhagen, M. (2019, May 2–4). Interprofessional panel case discussion [Panel]. American Geriatrics Society 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting, Portland, OR, United States.
Valentino, A., Curren, C., Bean, C., Delgado-Nixon, V., Gregory, M., Hood, D. B., McAuley, J., Miracle, T., & Pfeifle, A. (2021, September–October). Anti-racism in action: a longitudinal interprofessional activity [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2021, Virtual.
Valentino, A., McAuley, J. W., Curren, C., Pfeifle, A., & Tenney, Z. (2022, September 13–14). Anti-racism in action — a longitudinal module for developing anti-racist health care teams [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2022, Virtual.
Valentino, A., Pfeifle, A., Andridge, R., Henderson, R., Patton, K., Sergakis, G., & Allain, D. (2022, August 20–23). BuckIPE — an integrated, longitudinal curricular framework for interprofessional collaboration [Conference presentation]. Nexus Summit 2022, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Published Refereed Publications
Ascione, F., Sick, B., Karpa, K., McAuley, J., Nickol, D., Weber, Z., Pfeifle, A. (2019). The Big Ten IPE Academic Alliance: a regional approach to developing interprofessional education and practice. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 15, 9-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2019.01.001
Bennie, S., Greer, A., Farrell, T., Hageman, H., & Pfeifle, A. (2022). The slow creep back: threats and opportunities for IPE posed by COVID-19. Journal of Allied Health, 51(1), 9-14.
Binion, K., King, S., Pfeifle, A., & Zakeri, B. (2021). Collaborating across borders VII (CAB VII): the crossroads of collaboration, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - October 20–23, 2019. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2021.100439
Black, E. W., Romito, L., Pfeifle, A., & Blue, A. (2022). Establishing and sustaining interprofessional education: institutional infrastructure. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2021.100458
Dow A. W., Pfeifle, A., Blue, A., Jensen, G. M., & Lamb, G. (2021). Do we need a signature pedagogy for interprofessional education? Journal of Interprofessional Care, 35(5), 649-653. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2021.1918071
Fenton, J., Tapp, H., Thakur, N., & Pfeifle, A. (2020). Reliability of peer review of abstracts submitted to academic family medicine meetings. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 33(6), 986-991. https://doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.2020.06.200123
Horbal, S. R., Grice, B., Evans, A., Kaplan, K., Wright, L., Bidulescu, A., & Pfeifle, A. (2019). Outcomes from a single-intervention trial to improve interprofessional practice behaviors at a student-led, free clinic. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2019.100285
Khalili, H., Breitbach, A., Jensen, G., King, S., Maxwell, B., Nickol, D., Pfeifle, A., & Gilbert, J. (2021). Global leadership in IPECP research: an introduction to co-creation of best practices guidelines. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2021.100445
Khalili, H., Lising, D., Kolcu, I., Thislethwaite, J., Gilbert, J., Langlois, S., Maxwell, B., Kolcu, Mukadder I. B., MacMillan, K., Schneider, C., Filho, J. R. F., Najjar, G., Al-Hamdan, Z., & Pfeifle, A. (2021). Advancing health care resilience through a systems-based collaborative approach: lessons learned from Covid-19. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 35(6), 809-812. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2021.1981265
Lackie, K., Najjar, G., El-Awaisi, A., Frost, J., Green, C., Langlois, S., Lising, D., Pfeifle, A., Ward, H., Xyrichis, A., & Khalili, H. (2020). Interprofessional education and collaborative practice research during the COVID-19 pandemic: considerations to advance the field. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(5), 583-586. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2020.1807481
Langlois, S., Xyrichis, A., Daulton, B., Gilbert, J., Lackie, K., Lising, D., MacMillan, K., Najjar, G., Pfeifle, A., & Khalili, H. (2020). The COVID-19 crisis silver lining: interprofessional education to guide future innovation. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(5), 587-592. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2020.1800606
Pfeifle, A. & Frost, J. (2020). The story of two NAP task forces. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 12(21). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2020.100398
Romito, L., Daulton, B. J., Stone, C. & Pfeifle, A. (2020). Peer led team learning in a foundational IPE curriculum. Health, Interprofessional Practice and Education, 4(1). http://doi.org/10.7710/2641-1148.2126
Romito, L., Pfeifle, A., Weber, Z. A., & Daulton, B. J. (2020). Successful conversion of simulation-based interprofessional education in a pandemic. Journal of Dental Education, 85(S1), 1107-1110. https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.12328
Shrader, S., Ohtake, P., Bennie, S., Blue, A. V., Breitbach, A. P., Farrell, T. W., Hass, R. W., Greer, A., Hageman, H., Johnston, K., Mauldin, M., Nickol, D. R., Pfeifle, A., Stumbo, T., Umland, E., & Brandt, B. F. (2022). Organizational structure and resources of IPE programs in the United States: a national survey. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2021.100484
Smith, L. J., Romito, L., Congdon, H. B., Ascione, F. J., Fitzgerald, M., Karpa, K., Pfeifle, A., Sick, B., & Khalili, H. (2022). Initial efforts to manage IPE during the COVID-19 pandemic: reports from the Big Ten Academic Alliance. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practices, 20(3). https://nsuworks.nova.edu/ijahsp/vol20/iss3/12/
Taylor, J. & Pfeifle, A. (2019). Development of a data management system to support continuous quality improvement in interprofessional education (IPE). Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2018.06.005
Welsh, D., Zephyr, D., Pfeifle, A., Carr, D. E., Fink, J. L., & Jones, M. (2021). Development of the barriers to error disclosure assessment tool. Journal of Patient Safety, 17(5), 363-374. https://doi.org/10.1097/PTS.0000000000000331
Pfeifle, A., Weber, Z., & Bahamonde, R. (2019). First place award for institutional excellence and innovation in interprofessional education and collaborative health care: Indiana Purdue University Indianapolis. (Abstract). Journal of Allied Health, 48(4), 333.
Greer, A., Selladurai, R., Pfeifle, A., Selladurai, R., & Hobson, C. (2020). Effective teamwork and healthcare delivery outcomes. In Evaluating Challenges and Opportunities for Healthcare Reform. IGI Global.
Lackie, K., Lising, D., Filho, J., Green, C., Maxwell, B., Pfeifle, A., & Ward, H. (2022). InterprofessionalResearch.Global: Incubating global communities to support IPECP research worldwide. In D. Joosten-Hagye & H. Khalili (Eds.), Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice – Micro, Meso, and Macro Approaches Across the Lifespan. Cognella.
Malone, T. R. & Pfeifle A. (2017). Patellofemoral disorders: evaluation and treatment. In J. D. Placzek & D. A. Boyce (Eds.), Orthopedic Physical Therapy Secrets, 3rd Edition (pp. 52–563). Elsevier.
Malone, T. R. & Pfeifle , A. (2017). Acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular injuries: evaluation and treatment. In J. D. Placzek & D. A. Boyce (Eds.), Orthopedic Physical Therapy Secrets, 3rd Edition (pp. 359–365). Elsevier.
Farrell, T., Pfeifle, A., Greer, A., Bennie, S., & Hageman, H. (in press). Academic health centers and the quintuple aim of healthcare. Academic Medicine.
MacMillan, K., Langlois, S., Miller, S., Cole, V., Green, C., Hunt, A., Pendergast, N., & Pfeifle, A. (in press). Student leadership in interprofessional education and practice: a guide to develop and sustain in student-led interprofessional opportunities.
Technical and Research Reports
Bennie, S., Blue, A., Brandt, B., Breitbach, A., Patty, C., Farrell, T., Greer, A., Hageman, H., Johnston, K., Mauldin, M., Meyer, S., Nickol, D., Ohtake, P., Pfeifle, A., Shrader, S., Stumbo, T., & Umland, E. (2020). Organizational models of interprofessional practice and education in the United States: results from a national Survey. National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. Link
Khalili, H., Lising, D., Gilbert, J. Thistlethwaite, J., Pfeifle, A., Maxwell, B., Başer Kolcu, I., Langlois, S., Najjar, G., MacMillan, K. Al-Hamdan, Z., , Schneider, C. R., Kolcu, G., El-Awaisi, A., Ward, H., & Rodrigues, F. J. (2021). Building resilience in health care in the time of COVID-19 through collaboration - a call to action. InterprofessionalResearch.Global.
Khalili, H., Thistlethwaite, J., El-Awaisi, A., Pfeifle, A., Gilbert, J., Lising, D., MacMillan, K., Maxwell, B., Grymonpre, R., Rodrigues F., Snyman, S., & Xyrichis, A. (2019). Guidance on global interprofessional education and collaborative practice research: discussion paper. InterprofessionalResearch.Global & Interprofessional.Global.
Pfeifle, A., Ludwig, D. A., Maxwell, B., Ruebling, I., Rundio, A., & Stein, S. S. (2020). Lexicon Task Force Update to the National Academies of Practice Council. Link