Interprofessional Collaboration in Service to Others

Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Optometry, and Nursing learners participated in BuckIPE Community Cares on The Ohio State University campus this fall semester. This event was the launch of their BuckIPE curriculum, where the students learn and practice the knowledge and skills to collaborate effectively in interprofessional teams. During the event, over 600 learners interacted with local social service agencies to learn about the greater needs of the Columbus community and opportunities to become involved now and as future health care professionals. The learners assembled nearly 350 care bags that included personal hygiene products for patients within the Emergency Departments at OSUWMC University Hospital and OSU East.
This week, the Office of Interprofessional Practice and Education delivered the care bags to the teams at the Emergency Departments for patient distribution. We want to thank the learners from the Health Science Colleges for assembling the care bags and the Health Science Colleges for the donated items.